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A.P.E. Research is specialized in:

  • Development of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) and Nanotechnology applications
  • Research of new methods of SPM investigation in the biological and physical field
  • Research and developement of scientific instruments for surface science
  • Development of software for surface analysis, imaging and microscopy

Events and Articles

20-21 September 2022- Euro Bio High Tech 2022

23-24 MAY - ULTIMATE WORKSHOP: Business and management skills for research

AREA SCIENCE PARK - Hybrid event

29 MARCH 2022 - CATHENA: (CAncer THErapy by Nanomedicine) Final Event - POR FESR FVG

University of Trieste H 15:00 - Hybrid event - Link:

21 October 2021 - APE SEMINAR at ICGEB Trieste: "Scanning Probe Microscopy: applications in Biology"

Laura Andolfi Ph.D. - Istituto Officina dei Materiali - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Trieste

MAY 2021 - BIOSAFE: BIOfilm Sensing and Analysis For heEalth

POR FESR 2014-2020 FVG - The BIOSAFE project aims to develop an innovative and compact opto-mechanical sensors system for the monitoring of bacterial biofilm growth and the effectiveness of sanitizing treatments

31 March 2021- EU-MOVE Monitoraggio civico di progetti del Programma POR FESR FVG

03-04 September 2020- Euro Bio High Tech 2020 - Smart Health


20-29 August 2020 - Role of Nanotechnology in Food and Agriculture organized by CNT, CAE, UAS, Raichur- INDIA

Webinar - Technical session 24 August 2020 - Dr. Stefano Prato A.P.E.Research srl

ID.VAT : IT 00915290324